Guardian Indonesia awarded Retail Asia Awards 2024 for Product Trending Zone

The most popular beauty brand on social media, with a strong presence in-store with the omnichannel experience.

Guardian Indonesia as a leading health and beauty retailer in Indonesia received the win in the In-store Customer Experience of the Year - Indonesia at the coveted Retail Asia Awards 2024 for the successful launch of its Product Trending Zone.

The Product Trending Zone, initially launched in 2022, consists of brands that are currently viral on social media and are high in demand. Products that are displayed in this zone are curated based on insights from market research, market visits, and team member feedback. It has been a collaborative work amongst its Commercial, Operations, Space & Planning, Supply Chain and Marketing teams.

The products have a special on-shelf display, with a vibrant pink colour to attract customers, and to make it easier for them to locate and buy the products.

Since its first launch, the Product Training Zone has created a big buzz with 70 million impressions and a digital reach of more than 20 million. The products displayed in the trending zone have also recorded double-digit sales growth and attracted new customers, especially young customers (Gen Z)

In 2024, the company will continue to sustain this initiative with larger and wider product ranges. It has refreshed its communication and key visuals and has raised awareness through the implementation of augmented reality (AR) technology. Through AR, customers are provided with an omnichannel experience as they can see the product benefit on a customised landing page, and purchase through online stores.

Retail Asia Awards honours companies that have recently launched innovative retail projects or initiatives, as well as industry leaders that have propelled their respective brands to maintain a competitive edge.

The Retail Asia Awards is presented by Retail Asia Magazine. To view the full list of winners, click here. If you want to join the 2025 awards programme and be acclaimed for your company's exceptional products or initiatives in the Retail industry, please contact Jane Patiag at [email protected].

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