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Alibaba.com launches 'Alibaba Guaranteed' to boost global sourcing for SMEs

It offers products at fixed prices with shipping fees included, dispatch within 72 hours, and guaranteed delivery dates.

B2B e-commerce platform Alibaba.com has launched Alibaba Guaranteed to simplify global sourcing and enhance supply chain reliability for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) globally.

Currently, Alibaba.com serves over 48 million SME buyers and hosts more than 200,000 suppliers globally.  It now offers products at fixed prices with included shipping fees, promises dispatch within 72 hours, and guarantees delivery by the expected date. Additionally, buyers can benefit from after-sales services such as quick refunds for order issues and free local returns for defective items.

A recent Alibaba.com survey revealed that 66% of SMEs plan to increase their reliance on online global sourcing in 2024. However, concerns about delivery time, logistics costs, and product reliability remain significant barriers, with 22% of respondents highlighting these as their top challenges. 

"Alibaba Guaranteed marks an exciting new chapter for SMEs and global sourcing as it will help to redefine the fulfillment standard of B2B cross-border trade," said Kuo Zhang, President of Alibaba.com. 

"Global sourcing can be a complex process with many moving parts, but Alibaba Guaranteed can help SMEs navigate it with greater ease. With much of the leg work being done for SMEs by the platform, cross-border trade can be as simple as purchasing a pair of shoes from your favorite retailer online."

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