5 stars: Reviews matter amongst shoppers in Asia
Product reviews had the widest general appeal amongst consumers.
Product reviews emerged as the most appealing type of branded content amongst consumers who follow in Asia, a report found.
It had the widest general appeal to followers in Indonesia (47%), the Philippines (43%), South Korea (41%), Malaysia (39%), Taiwan (37%), Thailand (36%), Singapore (34%), India (33%), Vietnam (33%), Hong Kong (30%), and Japan (29%).
Read more: How likely will social media users buy products recommended by influencers
In China, product reviews were overtaken by product demos, which appealed to 27% of the respondents, according to the Social media Influencers Study conducted by Nielsen and Rakuten Insight.
“Product reviews are the most appealing type of branded content across Asia markets, with the exception of influencer followers in China who prefer product demos,” the report noted.
“Engaging influencers who will provide honest reviews of your product will resonate well across most of Asia. However, brands looking to stand out in China’s crowded consumer market may consider partnering with influencers to create original and imaginative product demos.”
The report also noted that product demos reduce perceived risks of trial and can be highly engaging. This could in effect allow others to sample the product for themselves.