SEA online shoppers placed safety and security as top concerns
The report by Vesta surveyed respondents from the Philippines, Singapore, and Indonesia.
Surrey respondents from Singapore, Indonesia and the Philippines worry about safety and security the most when they shop online according to a report by payment firm Vesta.
Additionally, 69% of online shoppers across the three countries rely mostly on reviews from previous buyers to determine if the site is safe to purchase from.
Frictionless payments
Across the three countries, 47% encountered payment problems in the last 12 months. The top two payment problems encountered by online shoppers are multiple verification and authentication and declined payments without valid reasons or false declines.
Encountering these payment problems would result in three out of five avoiding the e-commerce site again whilst 54% will warn family and friends about the site. 47% would lodge complaints against the site.
The survey also found the growing reliance of shoppers on e-wallets as a preferred payment method.
The Philippines has the most reliance on e-wallets as a payment method, with 69% choosing this method of payment. This is near Indonesia’s number at 55%.
In Singapore, only 18% rely on e-wallets but Vesta predicts mobile wallet penetration will reach nearly 95% of the population by 2025.