, China
Press photo (JD.com)

JD.com launches enhanced JD NOW on-demand retail service

It promises rapid delivery of premium products from over 500,000 stores to 2,300 locations in China.

JD.com introduced an upgraded version of its on-demand retail service, JD NOW, on 16 May. 

Formerly known as JD Shop Now and JDDJ, JD NOW offers rapid delivery of premium products from over 500,000 physical stores to customers across 2,300 locations in China, with delivery times as fast as nine minutes.

The new JD NOW logo features the company's mascot, JOY dog, with a bamboo-copter, symbolising speed and innovation. Delivery riders also now wear updated uniforms and use mini-fridges to maintain optimal conditions for sensitive deliveries like flowers and perishable items.

Partnering with Dada Now, JD NOW ensures swift deliveries, with options for insurance to cover any potential delays.

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The service is integrated into the JD App, featuring five main categories, namely fresh produce, flowers and cakes, supermarkets, coffee and milk tea, and medicines, tailored to users' preferences and locations, with frequent discounts.

On 20 May, JD NOW also launched romance-themed promotions, including limited-edition gift boxes and personalised recommendations based on the MBTI personality test.

“The launch of JD NOW underscores JD.com’s commitment to enhancing user experience and meeting the increasing demand for instant and diverse shopping solutions,” the group said.

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