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Shaping the Modern Store: Navigating Challenges with Innovation in Retail

Retail Asia in collaboration with Zebra Technologies explored the evolving retail landscape and how "The Modern Store" framework empowers retailers to thrive. Industry leaders Robert Eichfeld, Director, International, APAC at Connors Group, and Josh Cunningham, Product Owner, Voice Network at Woolworths Group joined Zebra Technologies' Regional Sales Lead Software Solutions for ANZ, Darren Bretherton, in sharing valuable insights.

Discover how Zebra Workcloud tackles workforce management, inventory optimisation, and the customer experience. Explore the growing importance of agility and flexibility, as well as the unparalleled scalability of SaaS solutions compared to traditional hardware, that makes them game-changers in the industry. Delve into data-driven decision-making and user-friendly technology that help build truly customer-centric stores.

Watch the on-demand video to gain a deeper understanding of how to address workforce challenges through smarter scheduling and staff engagement strategies.

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