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Dubai Mall set for $408m expansion

Over 200 new luxury stores and food outlets will be added.

Dubai Mall, the world's largest shopping centre and 2023’s most visited place, is set for a major $407m expansion, UAE real estate developer Emaar Properties announced.

The new project will add 240 new luxury stores and food outlets.

The 12-million-square-foot mall already houses over 1,200 retail spaces and more than 200 food and beverage outlets. Dubai Mall also offers a range of experiences beyond shopping, including the Dubai Aquarium and Underwater Zoo, Emirates A380 Simulator, Dubai Ice Rink, and Play DXB. Other attractions also include the Dubai Fountain Show , Hysteria Haunted Attraction, KidZania Dubai, Dubai Dino, and The Human Waterfall.

In 2023, Dubai Mall set a new record with 105 million visitors, a 19 percent increase from the previous year.

“This expansion reflects Dubai’s ambitious vision to remain at the forefront of global innovation and culture, further solidifying our city’s position as a top global destination,” said Mohamed Alabbar, founder of Emaar Properties.

“Our mall embodies the city’s vibrant spirit and dedication to excellence, turning the leadership’s vision into a reality. Being an integral part of Dubai’s economic fabric, we play a crucial role in the city’s success and innovation.”

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