Australian retailers call for simpler, more flexible industry award
Proposed changes aim to clarify worker rights and improve workplace flexibility.
The Australian Retailers Association (ARA) has applied to the Fair Work Commission (FWC) to simplify the General Retail Industry Award 2020 (GRIA).
The move comes as part of the ongoing review of modern awards, initiated by the Federal Government and led by the FWC.
The ARA has highlighted concerns over the current complexity of the GRIA, which features 994 individual pay rates spread across 96 pages. According to the association, this extensive framework is difficult for both employees and employers to navigate, hindering the understanding of workplace entitlements and limiting flexibility in working arrangements.
The proposed changes aim to make the award clearer and more flexible, ensuring employees understand their rights whilstallowing for more adaptable working conditions. The case will be heard by the FWC in March 2025.
In its submission, the ARA emphasized the importance of maintaining essential safeguards for workers, whilst also advocating for a system that better meets the evolving needs of both employees and employers in the retail sector.