Bairaha Farms PLC shines at FMCG Asia Awards for its Recipe book in Braille
The pioneer chicken processor in Sri Lanka for over four decades, Bairaha Farms PLC was honoured as the winner of the Environmental Social Governance Initiative of the Year in Sri Lanka for 2021 at the FMCG Asia Awards.
For the first time in Sri Lanka, a recipe book of chicken recipes written in braille was launched to help the blind people in the country enjoy a zest for reading in a format they can understand. It was able to promote cooking in a more inclusive way.
Bairaha Farms PLC went the extra mile by donating braille books in all 18 schools for the blind across the country. Due to the pandemic, it was not able to personally deliver the books. Instead, it was sent via courier in branded gift-wrapped boxes with notes written in braille.
The project focused on how to ensure that the whole country’s population enjoy the benefit of making tasty meals with its products—and that included people who cannot see.
The company was bogged down by the question “How do we bring the product right to our consumers, through their heart?” It did not want to let any segment of the market be left unsatisfied and wanted the topic of inclusion to be a part of its project.
Through promoting the book and its cause to reach the blind, the company achieved great results during this campaign. Their social media pages also gained considerable attention from the local market.
The first highlighted achievement noted by the judging panel is that a total of 96,000 people were reached by the social media campaign. In addition, it was able to tally a total of 97,000 video views during the campaign and attained 53,842 post clicks from its social media sites.
As for its main social media page, an increase with an additional 6,000 followers was recorded. This was noted as the second-highest achievement of the company. Significantly, the Bairaha video was the most viewed in a single day during the literacy month back in September.
Lastly, the company sealed the award by being able to reach 0.5% of the total population of Sri Lanka.
The FMCG Asia Awards hosted by Retail Asia celebrates the most outstanding companies in Asia Pacific's fast-moving consumer goods industry that have shown exemplary performance with their innovative products and initiatives.